A Community Steeped in Tradition
The Nlaka’pamux people have always moved through the territory using the resources available for fishing, hunting, and trapping, as well as, gathering plants for food and medicines. The Nlaka’pamux are adept at basket weaving and their techniques with pine needles and cedar birch are recognized worldwide.
Cook’s Ferry has reserves of various sizes that are located primarily in the Thompson River Valley between Ashcroft, Lytton, and Antko (proximal to the City of Merritt). Siska has several reserves in the Fraser Canyon.
The Nlaka’pamux remain distinct and cultural practices are strong, despite the devastating impacts of residential schools, colonial laws banning ceremonies, and other assimilation attempts.
Heskw’en’scutxe Health Services Society delivers health services to approximately 240 community members living in both communities.
We embrace Nlaka’pamux traditions, culture and values. Our health services integrate modern medicines and methods to provide holistic wellness for our community members.
Programs &
Outside Community Services.
We’re here to help. See our Outside Community Services page for additional resources.